Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it. ~ Proverbs 22:6

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Well Hello there! Miss me? Good! Well I'm back....sorry for the lapse in time between posts I suppose you could say I've just been very "un-bloggy" lately.
That asside, I have so much catching up to do! My last blog was in late April and it's now January!
So we made it through the awfully hot summer, I sware we didnt see a day under 90 degrees from May till September it was on the verge of awful! But we prevailed with good air conditioning and through God's good grace we indeed made it through! We spent a lot of time at the community pool which was tons of fun! We also took a trip to Westminster South Carolina to see "G.G. and G. Pa" (my grandparents) where we also spent time in the pool, Nicky learned to swim with no flotation device and prided himself on jumping off the "jumpy bored" into 11ft of water! He never ceases to amaze me!

Marissa is still Marissa, ever-tryin, ever-learing, ever-destroying little bugger that she is. She is now 2, as of July 5th (as is 1 was terrible enough) She still keeps me on my toes in fact now more than ever. Her vocabulary increases daily and she speaks rather well for a 2.5 year old. In fact she comes up with some pretty outrageous things. Such as "Mommy I hurt my pants when my shoes are off" and "Mommy Harley needs a time out he drank all the toilets" ( Harley is our loving family pet) ahhhhh yes Marissa the Magnificent, she sure is a tricky one that girl. None-the-less I wouldnt want her any other way!

Trying to ride a bike, and hide from the camera at the same time!

So Holidays are now over with which is sad cause it truly is my favorite time of year, and it was a great Holiday. We spent the majority of it in CT with our families and friends! The kids are spoiled rotten, and they love it!
All is right with my life I truly am blessed!
So until next ime....God Bless!

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