Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it. ~ Proverbs 22:6

Thursday, January 6, 2011

So today is a new day! We will start fresh and attempt to get something productive accomplished!

So as I have been gone for quite some time I figured a semi full update for everyone....

So we spent from the end of September till December 27th in Connecticut with my parents and it was soooooo much fun!

The kids were able to enjoy the fall foliage of Connecticut!

We picked flowers daily and Marissa really liked the flowers....

We spent a lot of time outside, the kids helped Papa clean up the yard to prepare for winter....

We took many a walk to get our energy out and be able to enjoy the gorgeous fallen leaves....

The kids really loved the crisp cool autumn days where they were able run and play outsied togetether, they really get along so well most of the time....

There were times when roles reversed and Nicky needed a ride and Rissa ended up being the driver, if only they would give mommy a turn....

We did tons of shopping with Noni in preperation for the holidays, we really had a lot of fun spending quality time together although I must admit it tired some of us out more than others....

We made a trip to the mall which usually is chaotic, but nonetheless we had a blast, we visited the disney store which had to be a favorite on our list, the kids just loved the display of "my size" stuffed characters......

The highlight of our trip was the wedding of our dear friends Pat and Lisa, where Steve was a groomsman, I was a bridesmaid and our little man was the ringbearer and he did such a great job....
Here's him and Gunk Dan enjoying the reception together....
(There are many other amazing photos of this truly awesome day, that I will post at a later date)

The time we were in Connecticut was a wonderful time to reunite with old friends and of coarse visit with Auntie Lori, Uncle Eric and Kenzie. We were also overjoyed to learn that they will soon be blessed with yet another member, a bouncing baby boy is due mid May of 2011!
We went to the park with Auntie Lori, Kenzie and a dear friend of mine and Lori's from high school Becky and her 2 beautiful little girls Abby and Emma, it was sooo much fun.
Here's 4 out of 5 of the kids from top to bottom it's Nicky, Kenzie, Rissa and Emma...

Holidays were great and the surprises kept coming, my amazing baby brother Daniel is going to be a father! I can't believe how surreal it is! I'm just amazed at how much of a man my brother has grown to be. He is truly an amazing person and Sarah is such a lucky girl. This baby is going to be sooo blessed to have such wonderful parents to watch over, guide and protect him/her. We will find out in less than a week whether its a going to be a boy or a girl. As long as he/she is healthy thats all that matters. The kids really loved spending time with "gunk" Dan nad Sarah. Rissa named him Gunk Dan. What kid wouldnt love time with them though, they are awesome, and Daniel is just a big kid himself....

Papa and Noni are really looking forward to being grandparents for a 3rd time!

The Holidays came and went and they were enjoyed by all....

We hope your holidays were just as blessed as ours were....
Then it was time to make our way back to Good Ole Tennessee, but not before we enjoyed on good snow storm....(18+")

It was well worth the trip, we truly are Blessed to have such an amazing Lord and Savior to Bless us wit hsuch awesome friends and outstanding family!
Until next time may you lives be truly blessed!

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