Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it. ~ Proverbs 22:6

Friday, January 7, 2011

Blessed be the brand new day!
We have tried many new things in the past, one of our most recent attempts at new things was a puppy. She's 9weeks old and she's absolutely adorable. She's sweet yet feisty and the kids really seem to like her. She's a little bit nippy and she makes lots of noise! Harley's not thrilled about her at all, and so unfortunately we're probably not going to go forth with keeping her. I really do love her she is pretty precious, but I'm not willing to put an already concrete member of our family (Harley) at risk. Hopefully her previous owners will understand and maybe even be able to find the perfect home for her. she really deserves tons of love and attention!
Yesterday, I'm prod to say was fairly uneventful. We pulled out the Dora memory game and I was pleasantly surprised that both kids did extremely well at taking turns and comprehending that if they got a match they were allowed another turn and so on. We made dinner together, a luxurious spread of macaroni and cheese and hand breaded chicken tenders. The kids had soo much fun getting their hands all dirty will egg and bread crumbs and the meal came out rather homemade looking.
I took on the challenge of hairdresser yesterday and cut Rissas hair myself after having brought her to a children's salon and they just didn't accomplish what I thought was necessary for her hair to be how we liked it. I think I did a pretty good job. I think my fabulous sister in law to be (who's a hairdresser) would be dare I say, proud of me. Rissa indulged in chocolate yogurt as I snipped away....
....yup she's still the same old Rissa she gets a little more in her mouth now a days but the remains of what she eats is always there. All and all it was a pretty quiet day, we napped....

....we smiled ....

....we laughed and played....

After bath we danced around the room while listening to kids tunes and the kids really loved that. After bath though Nicky noted something... "Hey mom with Rissa's new haircut, she looks like Dora" he the proceeded to call her Dora till the nights end.
At the end of this day I feel fulfilled. I feel like my mothering skills reach new goals everyday. I truly adore my blessed motherhood. I wouldn't trade it or my family for anything in this world. So with that said I'll leave you with this.
-Kids will make you scream when all you want to do is laugh, smile when all you want to do is cry. But they will always hold your heart together when it breaks apart. ~Anonymous

So until next time!
Be Blessed!

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