Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it. ~ Proverbs 22:6

Friday, September 16, 2011

Why me?...or Why not?

This week seems to be flying by, I cannot believe it is Friday already! I'm so siked for this weekend and it's really not that exciting, I just want to be able to share time with my family and friends. I'm so incredibly blessed to have such an amazing circle of support and for that I am thankful everyday. Upon waking up this morning with that cold air nipping at the wrinkles in the sheets, I hap to smile cause Autumn truly is my favorite season and even at these very small signs that it is approaching is just literally a breath of fresh air. Long sleeve shirts, jeans and sneakers, pretty sweaters for Rissa and nice warm hoodies for Nick. I thought to myself as I poured my first cup of coffee this morning and watched the steam swirl away, how lucky blessed I am to be able to enjoy such things. Just to be able to feel that crisp morning air on my skin, to have a sense of smell to enjoy the fragrant coffee, to behold the sight of the steam from my cup and know what it is to see. So many times we take for granted that all these majestic things come from somewhere, from someone. He gave it all to us, surely I try to show my gratitude and praise to him but yet I wonder, how do you say thank you for such immense gifts such as sight, smell, touch.... and those are only to name a few. How do I praise and thank Him for even greater things, like My life my husband, my children, my parents and friends and all of the amazing people and places and things He has given to me!!! ... I know this blog is dragging but there are so very many "?'s" I have... So many times when we hit a rough patch in life we think to ourselves "Why me?" lately I've been on a personal mission to try to ask "Why not me?" What did I do to avoid deserving these rough times? What have I done to deserve any better than this? Who am I to cry "Why me?" Instead I think when life is at it's very best moments we need to stop and say "Why me?" I'm not sure why You chose me to receive such bountiful blessings today Lord, I'm not sure what I've done that You count me as deserving of such wonderful things, but thank You! So today my dear Readers I challenge you, to stop in the middle of some random act, whether it be a success or a failure and say thank you and ask Him and yourself "Why me?"

Until next time my friends....Be Blessed!
(Just a cute fall photo from about 2yrs ago)
GG and the kids (That's my grandmother)

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Mischief maker....

It's amazing how much time and thought kids put in to making trouble sometimes. Rissa has made me smile so many times today, but many of those smiles were followed by head shakes nad sighs. She started the day a 4:45am waking me up wanting to add milk to her already poured bowl of "cereal" which consisted of oreos and m&ms. Needless to say we chose something a little more healthy and breakfast like. I am truly blessed however that my daughter is so incredibly compassionate and such a good sharer. She made sure that when sh snuck pears out of the refrigerator she got one for Paige and Alasia as well and when I caught them with the pears she was more than willing to take all the blame. It's been a long hot day, I really can not wait for autumn to get here.
Today out "Little, loving Lesson" was to be greatful for your sibblings. We made cards for our brother/sisters. It was a lot of fun and the girls did great. When Nicky got home we took some pictures cause Rissa was so excited to tell him "Thank you for bein my brudder"

Today and everyday is just such a blessing! I am forever greatful for everything I have been given, when all I really need is the Lord himself. I am truly honored to be the one He paid it all for!

~Be Blessed

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Some day I'll be good at keeping up with this blogging thing!
Whats new at the DiDominzio Household??? How bout EVERYTHING... Nicholas started kindergarten! He loves it and is doing very well!
It never ceases to amaze me how time flies!

                                    This is Nicholas 5years ago on the same day August 17th!

We enjoyed an amazing summer with friends and family! Kayla was able to spend 9weeks  with us here in TN and we enjoyed every moment of it! She is getting to be such a beautiful young lady. She started the 5th grade this past week and as far as I'm aware she really likes it. Marissa is still Marissa, spirited and full of zest! She is so amazing in how quickly she learns and grows.
She just recently got a big girl hair cut, thanks to Nick who decided one day that she was du for one. I then took her to the local salon and had it fixed and although I'm pleased and she is adorable no matter what, I must say I miss her long hair.
                                    She is quite the looker if I do say so mself! Such a blessing!

Recently Rissa and I have had the joyful experience of helping  family in need and during the week I look after a family friend's two young girls Alasia (3) and Paige (2), it's a ton of work but so much fun. We just this past week started out pre-school worship fun in which we went for walk, car rides, trips to the mall and small kid friendly internet searches to help us find things that God made for us that we need to say thank you for. So sometimes I wonder to myslef, "How much of this stuff does a 3yr old really retain?" Until today when Rissa bowed her head for graceand stated so grown-up-like: "Dear God, thank you for my fishy, the birdies, my mommy, my Nicky, the trees and some food, Amen" I truly am blessed to have such absorbant children! He is suficient!
Rissa and Alasia on one of our Blessed outings.