Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it. ~ Proverbs 22:6

Saturday, April 24, 2010

This tree caught my attention today... I like the leaves!
But what kind of tree is it???

Today was an eventful day to say the least...

 As i mentioned previously we recently (within the last year) moved to Tennessee, from the northeast region of the country. Well in that northeast region, I never dealt with mother nature's spiral winds,, otherwise known as tornadoes. So yesterday while listening to the weather I was for-warned that we would be in for so in-climate weather today. And we were....
this morning I awoke at 7am and it was gorgeous and sunny so I proceeded to venture out and set up my tag sale. We were fully set up at 8am and had many a wonderful customer till the sunny weather subsided around 10am. I then came inside and counted my earnings which was exciting cause after just 2hrs of business I profited close to $100. While I worked tirelessly at my yard sale, Steve took Nick to look around at other neighborhood yard sales for a new big boy bike and low and behold they found one, for $10, he was so excited!!!!!

 So then we sat around restlessly awaiting the oncoming terror.... Nothing! and we waited .... nothing! I refused to put Marissa upstairs for a nap, knowing that it's unsafe during tornado warnings to be on the 2nd story of a house. So I tried repeatedly to get her to fall asleep on the couch, however she is quite the persistent little bugger, but luckily she gets her persistence from me. So finally at around 2pm Rissa dozed on he couch while Nick and I read. At around 4pm Steve decided to take the family to Steak and Shake for dinner and I was all for it... 

After dinner we came home watched a movie had some Ice Cream and now it's time for bed...
Tomorrow Will Be Another BLESSED day!
I love my life and I love my Lord!
Until next time!
God Bless!!!

Friday, April 23, 2010

The Beautiful End To A Beautiful Day....

Today was an all and all uneventful day... asside from our morning "tool" fiasco. 

We played outside and got real good and dirty.

Rissa read a novel....
Note the book is upside week she's enrolling in Harvard!

The kids sat out and enjoyed there apple juice under the big blue sky...
These are the baby birds that have made their home in our grill...
They are a little less than a week old, we're excited about
watching them grow into "not babies ay-more"(Nicky)
Even Harley got to enjoy a beautiful day out in the sun...
So again all and all it was a fairly uneventful day!

Until next time...
God Bless!!!!

In the beginning...

God Is good...He's My Inspiration!!!!

Nicholas, on a beautiful puffy cloud day!

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth...
Many many years later He created Marissa....

along with many other natural disasters.... Marissa is my daily motivation to become a better mother, daily she tries me, daily I succeed. There are truly days when I am ready to give up...

Like this one...

and this one....
ok this one obviously wasn't bad...
but then I had to feed her again...
apparently I don't feed her enough,
or maybe if she started improving her
aim she'd get more in her mouth ad less ON her!


So throughout my day to day struggles with Marissa I began to wonder???
What it's like to be in her mind, no I didnt experiment by smudging food all over my face or eating out of the dog dish. However I do often wonder how she makes an honest decision (in her almost 2yr old mind) to accomplish the "goals" she sets for herself.  The world may never know....

So on a lighter note

We're preparing for a "yard sale" I'm so accustomed to calling them "tag sales" it's taking some getting used to. If you say tag sale down here they look at you like you have 4 heads. Anyway, I just moved into my house a little less than a year ago now, and prior to moving a had a yard sale and I thought I got rid of all my junk. Well low and behold I HAVE PLENTY MORE JUNK! Where does it come from??? So I began last week cleaning the closets and me being the fly by the seat of my pants person that I am, left a closet half cleaned for what I thought was going to be a couple hours....three days later, Nicholas come to me and says...

"Mom, what's this?" (holding a mini blind cutting razor blade)

as I caught my breath and pulled my tongue out of my throat, i replied

"Honey, thats an adult tool. Can I have it please?" (holding my breath waiting for him to defiantly dart off in the other direction, with sharp tool in hand)

"Why?" , this is my ohhh so favorite (NOT) question.

"Because it's dangerous, and Mommy needs you to slowly hand it to me before Rissa gets it." 

Thankfully he then handed me the tool which i then proceed to drop on my bare foot and cut myself, then having to hop to the bathroom (tool in hand) so as not to get blood on the carpet. I made it successfully to the bathroom, cleaned up. went back closed closet and went about the rest of my day. Then this morning while brushing Rissa's teeth I turned to put the toothpaste away just to turn back and find that Rissa found the "tool" that I left in the bathroom! AHHHHH! In anycase this tool has been properly put away where no small hands can reach it and hopefully the day is good from here on out!

Praise Jesus, for another day! He is truly amazing!

As this day gets closer and closer to the next, I find myself praying that The Lord bless us with safety and good weather tomorrow...we have Tornadoes in the forecast....

Ok, so I guess this is where it starts... Here today on April 23rd 2010, while I lay on my stomach on the couch and play human jungle gym with my 21 month old monkey (Marissa). I've been bugged about starting a "blog on life" by many, for months. So here goes.... 
So about me I'm a 25 year old mother of many... 2 and a half children to be exact. the rest will be explained at later dates. I was born, raised and ran away from New Britain, Ct. I met and married the most amazing man ever 5 years ago. We lived in Wolcott, Ct. for 4 years and just last year moved just south of Nashville, TN. Where we currently reside in our new beautiful home and we love it. This is truly where God wanted us to be. So until next time....

God Bless!